The golden rule is to treat people the way you wish to be treated. This is especially true in business. The key to understanding what humans want is easy, think about how your marketing would make you feel.
Relationships don't happen overnight. Building connections takes time, trust, and a series of positive interactions and follow-throughs. Business relationships are the same. It takes more than just marketing to solve for the human experience that makes the audience connection successful. Dharmesh Shah suggests that "humans care about the entire experience, not just the marketing or sales or service. To win in the modern age, you must solve for humans." There are four main steps to solving for humans.
Avoid Interruption
No one likes waiting the 15 seconds for an ad to be over before getting to your YouTube video or the annoying pop-ups that litter almost every website. Market deliberately, don't be an irritating pop-up that interferes with whatever your potential customer is doing. Believe it or not, annoying your customers to death is not an effective marketing plan. Think about what bothers you and others likely feel the same way.
Power Algorithms
Experiences are important, and people are often quite vocal about their feelings. Algorithms are powered by people sharing their opinions. These opinions shared via reviews, social media, and web content will alter your organization's public perception. Humans care about their experiences, meaning you should too. It is vital for the success of your business.
How You Sell It
People talk about ~good vibes~ all the time. That is because the way you interact with individuals makes them feel a certain way, and it's not only about what you are selling, but how you are doing so. One example of this is Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches, which according to Eckel & Vaughan became the most viral video ad of all time.
Pass on your message with some good vibes, and they'll sell themselves.
Total Experience
Solving for humans means the entire experience. The key is evaluating each step of your interactions with customers. Starting with first impressions, continuing through the marketing, sales, and delivery journey, and finally incorporating follow-up are all essential for creating positive business relationships. Building out each step of your interaction is crucial in forming and maintaining positive connections with your audience. Be deliberate, put yourself in the shoes of your customers, and begin to feel.
You're human, after all.