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Oh, The Places You’ll Go With a Stellar Brand Story

THuS Marketing Brand Story

The Cat in the Hat

Green Eggs and Ham

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

These are just a few of Dr. Seuss’ most famous books. Written and illustrated to capture the minds of the youngest readers, Seuss had a clear mission to help children learn through reading. In I Can Read With My Eyes Shut, he uses rhymes and colorful drawings to depict how essential reading is. “The more that you read,” he says, “the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

He had a vision to make reading easy and exciting for young readers. He created a recognizable brand for his books which became the vehicle that allowed him to make his vision a reality. Parents know when they pick up The Lorax that the rhythm and rhyme will help their children assign sounds to letters and find the flow. They understand that the book’s silly story, made-up words, and captivating imagery will capture their children’s minds. They know all this before opening the front cover because they believe in Dr. Seuss’ brand.

Seuss saw a need in the world. He set out to fill it and, in doing so, developed an easily identifiable image that made him one of the most famous children’s authors of all time. He understood his brand story inside and out. It started with his mission to help children learn to read. He never swayed from that. By clearly communicating his mission through his work, he created an emotional connection with the parents and children who read his stories and saw how well they worked. He gained their loyalty through it.

Your brand story is the narrative that communicates your organization’s essence.

It's the story of why you exist and how you’re making a difference in the world. A well-crafted brand story creates an emotional connection between your brand and your audience, inspiring loyalty and trust. To do so, it must be authentic, compelling, and memorable. It must fulfill the promises it makes, and it must set itself apart from others trying to achieve the same goal.

If Seuss’ rhyming schemes and silly words didn’t help inspire children to read, parents wouldn’t continue buying them. Someone else would bear the title ‘Most Famous Children’s Book Author.’ If his poetry had copied another author’s style, he wouldn’t have stood out from the crowd. Even Shel Silverstein, famous for The Giving Tree and Where the Sidewalk Ends, is similarly well-known for his rhyming schemes, silly words, and fantastical ideas. But his mission was different. He targeted older readers and filled a different niche.

These authors clearly valued stories. They knew their written narratives must be unique enough to draw readers in and personal enough to keep them reading. That same intentionality is evident in their brand stories. Though the approach to defining a brand narrative may be more complex for organizations and associations, it’s just as vital! These plots guide your messaging and help you connect to audiences.

So start at the beginning and take the first step.

It’s scary at first, but the first step is prep.

Think of your values, your mission, your aim,

What makes you unique? What sets you aflame?

Speak to your audience in a language they know,

And your brand will shine. Your audience will glow.

Your brand story is waiting. It's time to begin,

With a great brand story, you're sure to win!

At THuS Marketing, our passion is storytelling. If you’re experiencing a case of writer’s block, connect with us, and let us inspire you to put pen to paper!

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